Okay, so I'm a HUGE dork. I love anything Harry Potter and have been reading the Harry Potter books since I was 12, so OF COURSE I had to go to the very first showing of the 6th Harry Potter movie!
Unfortunately, Drew had to work until midnight that night, so I was by myself until the movie started at 12:01 am. I was able to sit in an empty theater for about 45 mins before anyone else came in. It was just one of the NINE theaters they sold out that night! Once people started to file into the theater, some annoying kids sat RIGHT in front of me and some Harry Potter dressed people sat next to me.

The Harry Potters sitting next to me
He was supposed to be Dumbledore, but he looked more like Gandalf
After 3 long hours of texting my co-workers in other theaters, reading, and eating my "poor man's Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans" (also known as Jelly Bellies), the movie started and Drew joined me in the theater! Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was a good movie, but I preferred the book instead (like always). I have heard a lot of people say they didn't like how much of the movie was just dialog; not a whole lot of action in this one. They also added scenes that didn't happen in any of the books and destroyed a building that takes an important role in the 7th Harry Potter! We'll see how they fix that in the 7th book movies. That's right, I said movieS, not movie. Did you know that they're making the 7th book into 2 movies that will be released 6 months apart??? They're brilliant! It's a LOT of information in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, and they don't want to water it down... PLUS, they'll make a ton of money from them. Eight movies for seven books- weird.
All-in-all, we enjoyed the movie (even if it was so late) and we had a great experience with all of those other Harry Potter fans packed in that theater!
We'll definitely be doing it again for the 7th book movies. : )