Drew has been growing a mustache since Memorial Day weekend. It started out as a full-fledged beard, then was cropped down to this:
Drew's 25th birthday party, June 27th
Then he decided to keep up the mustache-growing as a summer project. It got thicker and creepier (you can tell that I really loved it, right?):
July 2011
I eventually told Drew that I didn't mind it so much and that he could keep it until school started. Then it ended up being me asking if he would keep it for the first week of school (facial hair isn't allowed on campus here at good ol' BYU-Idaho, except for a well-trimmed mustache) because I wanted to see what people would think. Most guys would say, "Sweet 'stache," and he got some funny looks. It was great. :)
Drew would miss his mustache, so he wanted to take some commemorative photos right before he shaved:
September 18, 2011

Drew, while thinking about shaving his 'stache, wrote a haiku as an ode to his soon-to-be-gone companion:
"Farewell, dear mustache
We had good times this summer
Now get off my face"
In turn, a friend of his, who rocked a mustache while in the Army (and even has a picture with Chuck Norris while both rocking their 'staches), wrote a haiku "to speak from the point of view of Drew's mustache":
"Sadness all around
I silently seek my place
I'll return home soon"
(These men are nuts.)
Anywho, I decided it was time for a husband and wife photo now that the caterpillar is gone from my husband's face. And can I say... THANK GOODNESS.
Isn't he darling?